Find out how Mily helped The House Outfit successfully grow their brand throughout COVID-19, increasing sales by 791.10% and generating a ROAS of 5.45.
The Challenge
The House Outfit is an e-commerce brand selling contemporary wall art, prints and frames. And, more recently, home accessories. All their products are exclusive to the brand which, especially in terms of prints, makes them unique.
When they joined us, The House Outfit had seen incredible sales during the lockdown period and wanted this to continue. However, they were reliant on boosted Instagram posts to grow their following and couldn’t track how this was translating into sales.
We were able to quickly identify gaps in their marketing campaign and implement an integrated strategy that would track and generate results across multiple channels. This strategy meant increasing not only sales but also brand awareness and creating an audience base beyond their already very successful Instagram following.
In response to the challenges we identified, we implemented a multi-faceted marketing strategy that spanned across numerous channels including Facebook, Instagram, Google, Email and Pinterest.
In terms of our Facebook and Instagram ads, we introduced a range of creative to target new and existing audience members based on their level of brand engagement.
For our Cold Audience, those who had not yet engaged with the brand, we targeted people with related interests such as interior design and home improvements and people who had recently moved or purchased their first home. Also, we targeted people interested in wall art and specific colour palettes which were highly successful.
Following this, we were able to expand our audience base further by creating Lookalike and Lifetime Value audiences. The former based on the profiles of people who had visited the website or engaged with the brand and the latter on those who had purchased two or more times.
In addition to our Cold Audience campaigns, we saw great success from both our Warm and Hot Audience campaigns.
Our Warm Audience campaign targeted people who had engaged with the brand on Instagram and Facebook, which delivered a 4.64 ROAS. In comparison, our Hot Audience campaign targeted people who had previously added to cart or visited the website and generated 181 purchases and achieved an impressive 9.82 ROAS.
In recent weeks we have been able to optimise the ads account to develop these results further and drive more consistent sales.
To generate pixel data, we initially optimised our campaigns for “add to carts”. However, more recently we have been able to move away from this and focus solely on purchases which will allow for Facebook to drive more relevant traffic to our ads from people who are most likely to purchase.
Following the success of our paid social campaigns, we launched the brand on Google with a PPC campaign which allowed us to tap into a new sector of The House Outfit’s potential audience; namely those who were specifically looking for related products.
We began the activity by building campaigns backed by extensive keyword research to avoid bidding on incredibly expensive terms. The House Outfit fits into a significantly competitive market space meaning we needed to target a large variety of keywords, both generic and specific.
Also, due to the visual nature of the products, we launched a Google Shopping campaign to support our search activity.
It quickly became evident that our Shopping campaign was outperforming our Search campaign. After gathering as much data as possible via an all-products campaign, we were able to segment products based on their ROI. Doing this allowed us to ensure that the products driving the best return were fully funded and able to drive consistent performance.
In addition to our Paid Social and PPC efforts, we also expanded into email marketing.
In the initial stages of our email marketing campaign, we made use of custom automated emails and created a welcome flow for new signups.
We first implemented a new signup form on the website that would collect the data of new signups and pull it through to our email marketing platform. We then created a 3-part welcome flow which worked as an introduction to the brand for new customers, promoted new products and offered a first-time-buyer discount to encourage people to make the first purchase promptly after signing up.
Following this, we branched out into campaign emails and put together a content plan for newsletter-style emails to be sent out every week.
In terms of our send strategy, The House Outfit already had a significant audience list which we were able to segment as part of our process for weekly campaign emails.
By segmenting audience members who were the most active and engaged with the brand, we were able to ensure consistent performance in our campaign emails with our open rates remaining above 24% across all campaign emails.
In terms of content, we created a mixture of promotional and value content to ensure that we were nurturing our existing customers and creating a sense of authority on topics relating to the products like interior design and home renovation. As such, our content included how to’s, style guides, new product launches and promotions but remains simplistic and image-focused in terms of style.
The highly visual nature of the brand has greatly informed our marketing strategy. And, most recently, we have been working on implementing our Pinterest ads campaign.
As the go-to platform for not only visual inspiration but also specifically home decor, Pinterest fitted perfectly within our marketing strategy for The House Outfit. And with a structure similar to that of our Facebook campaigns, we were able to make use of an additional opportunity to target people at all levels of brand engagement.
In just two weeks, our Pinterest’s ads have achieved a 5.35 ROAS.
By identifying the main challenge faced by the brand, we have been able to structure our marketing strategy to resolve the issues initially faced directly. And, by taking our marketing efforts into numerous platforms, we have been able to take advantage of various spaces in the market as well as their respective audiences which have led to significant increases in results across the board.